Greenhouses are a fantastic tool for any garden. Growing undercover allows you to synthetically adapt the most suitable conditions for growing just about anything and everything. You can encourage yearlong harvesting by growing undercover which is one of the real perks of a greenhouse.
Plan your space before delving into your greenhouse growing. Make sure there is enough room for everything you’re looking to grow. A lot of the seeds you begin to grow inside your greenhouse will end up in the garden when they’re strong enough to support themselves outside so you can turn out new seeds when this happens. For a successful greenhouse, planning is key, you can map out what will be planted and when, as well as what will be replacing the gaps when putting your new crops outside.
Greenhouse Shelves
Greenhouse benches and shelving are the perfect way to make the most out of your space. You can grow on all levels here, as well as mapping out directly what you are growing and when it was planted. Additionally, greenhouse shelves and benches allow an even flow of air distribution and water drainage, perfect for growing your budding new crops. Ensure you designate an area for potting your plants, so you have a bench available at the perfect height for potting and performing your day to day greenhouse tasks.
It’s important to have a well-ventilated greenhouse, particularly in summer. You should avoid potential damage to your fresh crops from overheating. The heat of the summer sunshine on your greenhouse is enough to damage all your crops if not managed correctly. The best way to keep your greenhouse cool is to open the windows first thing in the morning to avoid the heat setting in to begin with, after all, it’s easier to keep a greenhouse cool than allow it to overheat first.
Irrigation Systems
Automatic irrigation systems are perfect for sticking to a great watering schedule. It means you don’t have to make sure you’re always available to water your budding crops, they’ll simply water themselves – what a treat! Did you know? You can even maintain the balance of nutrients in your soil by installing an irrigation system, as well as preventing weeds and disease.
Soil Nutrition
Soil is a major part of providing nutrition to your plants and seeds. Soil is a living substance, giving the stability to budding crops to flourish and grow brilliantly. The best way to treat your soil and keep it full of nutrients is to regularly test your soil and add organic matter to really introduce those much-needed minerals and nutrients. If you introduce a large variety of plants in your garden you’re more likely to encourage a healthy soil through the production of soil enzymes that recycle soil nutrients and increase soil organic matter.