Regarding style and taste, the single most important room in the house is your kitchen. No other room will receive the scrutiny and judgement or entertain more visitors, than your kitchen. The kitchen is also where most of your life happens, the important conversations and the rare moments the family is all together. Because of this, if you are doing a renovation, even if you do the rest of the house yourself, you owe it to yourself to hire a designer when you do the kitchen. Here is what a designer can do for you.
- Kitchen Designers Are Experts: People don’t become designers by accident, they work towards it because they love what they do, and they are passionate about the craft. Companies like Art of Kitchens have certified designers that can take your dreams to the next level. Designers are knowledgeable about every aspect of the kitchen from the utilities and foundation, all the way to understanding what quality and color of the slab you should order for your island.
- Kitchens are Complicated: There is a lot going on in your kitchen, the wiring alone is probably equal to the rest of the main floor of your house. Kitchens require access to plumbing, sewer, electrics, gas, and ventilation. They also need to have a flow and a functionality. Making all this work together requires knowledge of various trades, and connections with skilled people who can get the work done.
- Designers are Experienced: Unless you are involved with the building trade, it is unlikely that you have been keeping up with trends in kitchen design. It is very common for people to make a trip to a home improvement store and just start selecting items off the shelf. In their mind, all these things are going to look great together. When a designer comes up with a plan, it comes from knowing what is available, what is the finished cost, what other items are available in that style and how it will all work together. Their approach is to make a design with everything in mind. They also know when a look is on the way out. So, with a designer you will have the best chance to have a fresh modern look with longevity.
If you can’t afford a designer for your whole house, you still should consider a designer for your kitchen. The kitchen is the heart of your home, remodeling is something rarely done, and costly to fix when you get it wrong.
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